Friday 27 February 2009

#300-300th post/SXI 2008 Form 5's last day of school Part 2.

Part 2 of the previous post. It was the best day of school I ever had, I'd reckon. But time sure flies...

That's Ms. Khoo, my Modern Maths teacher.

That's Ms. Chan, she always has a smile on her face, innit?

Ed Board's, Stiles's and Jack's DSLR respectively.

Some random weeds by the drain.

'Autographing' someones book.

Tameer and me.

That's Kok Lim.

She's not my teacher, but she's Pn. Yap.

Liang Chieh and Sylvester.

Chong King the photographer.

A group photo.

Me and Hoo Seh.

Saameer, Me, Tameer and Daniel.




Clockwise from left, Me, Kenneth, Kui Jie, Wei Zheng, Pheng Shiew and Kok Chung.

Seng Boon.


Sanjay, Wallace, Mehul, Me and Ben Tan.


Me, Mehul, Dhrijeev and Ben Cheah.

Suraj. He's a huge huge Britney fan I tell you.

Me and Sanjay. Trying to act like a gangsta, I guess....

Me, Seng Boon, Zhao Rong and James.

With Wallace, Edwin and Zhao Rong.

Lee Roy Theodore.

That's En. Asri, one of the discipline teachers.

Bobbie!! Lol.

Edward, Edwin, Me.

Group photo with En. Asri.

Group photo with Mr. Howell.

My form teacher, Cik Nurul Husna.

Chong King.

That's Mr. Sim, my Physics teacher.



Loo Wei Jian.

My class, 5 Science 4.

Mr. Sim explaining to us for the last time. He was also the last teacher for the day for our class.

iTunes playing Blue - Too Close.
Sent from my MacBook Pro.

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